My father's advice to me as a youngster: "You can achieve anything!" – The motto of my life."
The Baby's Nest brand was born from personal experience. The good news that Rasuolė's will soon become a grandmother a few years ago completely upended the lives of her family. There was a great desire to present the small wonder with a unique gift. The finest gift thus came into being– a gift of immeasurable worth that makes life simpler for new parents, makes waiting more joyful, increases the baby's sense of security, and grants the flexibility to travel without difficulty. This successful business helps Rasuolė share this gift – with all parents. Baby's Nest, the name of the cot-shaped box, represents the safest place in the world – a nest, which arrives with carefully selected first essentials.
This nest will protect you when you're little, and when you grow up it will safeguard your first toys and precious childhood memories, which you will always find in your nest.
